Welcome to Korda Brothers Decorating Ltd.

We are one of Canada’s largest full scope decorating enterprises providing innovative responsive customer service to all sectors in our industry.
Safety, teamwork, communication, skill enhancement, education, innovation and accountability are all foundations of our business. Our goal is to safely provide a skilled service to meet the most challenging needs of our clients. Our motto is: “YES WE CAN!

Korda Brothers Decorating Ltd. is a family enterprise, providing services throughout Canada and the Caribbean.
We are a painting and decorating company that specializes in quality finishes.

About Korda Brothers:

• Began in 1979 as Neven and Sons Decorating Ltd , Calgary, AB
• Offices are located in both Vancouver, BC and in Calgary, AB
• Satellite operations exist in Victoria, B.C. and Nassau, N.P.
• We are a family run enterprise and incorporate family values into our operations.
• Our focus is on quality, teamwork and effective communication.

Our goal is always to provide our clients with committed personnel and skilled trade’s people to apply paint, industrial /specialty coatings, wallcoverings, woodfinishing and specialty decorating finishes. We are especially effective wherever scheduling, time constraints and coordination and/or higher quality is required.

Korda’s scope is varied. We specialize in:paintbrush

• Government infrastructure
• Medical laboratories
• Airports
• Food processing plants
• Utilities
• Head offices
• Hospitality Health and learning institutions


Are you looking for specialty decorating services?

If you are interested in any of our services, feel free to ask for more details!

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